
Showing posts from July, 2013


The church has certainly set the bar too low. We tolerate others. Period. That isn't alright. That was never alright. We think that the gold standard is to put up with people, is to simply not condemn a sinner. We don't treat another sinner like we would have liked to be treated. We have decided that being a cheerleader on the sidelines of evangelism is enough. We root for the team, and wait for more players to show up. And that's if we ever get the courage to leave the locker room, which many have mistaken for the game itself. We need to leave the locker room, we need to get off the sideline, and we need to come to believe that we are loved and are capable of loving with a higher kind of love. There should be fruit. This should be simpler than we've made it.

About Camp

Its been a while, yeah, kind of on purpose. I am always amazed at how Big Stone Camp for Christ is provided for. The storm that occurred the friday of the second week sent the staff and the remaining campers into the bathroom, and took out trees and power lines, and some buildings throughout Ortonville, but camp didn't lose a single tree. We were blessed this year to have 133 campers during the 3 weeks of camp, with 32 first time campers.   And at least a couple young boys come to Christ, with many others coming out to pray during Thursday Night Chapel. Praise God. Numbers are great, and interesting, but they don't tell the whole story. I watched young men grow up. I watched a brotherhood form. I saw the response of first time counselors and speakers, as they "got camp". Camp is a sacred place to me, I find God there, I get some time of clarity, it is so great to know that others have that same experience. I remember what this whole life is all about. As I w...