
Showing posts from May, 2014

June One

Camp is a week and a half away. I am for the most part ready. I am passionate about what I'm going to be speaking about, which is more than important, it's essential. I've got a good game, some good skit ideas. I also feel confident in my staff, which is the best feeling. I hope to wrap everything up by this weekend, as there's always things that come up the week right before camp. I hope you can make some time to pray for camp, and for me. I want to give the best camp experience possible, and that only happens through a prayer. Thanks for reading, I can't wait to report back on the camp year.


I'm going to take some time to make camp the best it can be, so I might not be updating this every day. I can do some researching and writing so I'm going to take the time to do that. I'll check in here from time to time. Hope you're doing great, camp is almost here, and I want this to be the best year ever. Thanks!

Unique feelings

Imagine the first man. He used flexed muscles that had never before been used. He spoke words that had never been uttered. He was able to see the world and make decisions about it. He was able to decide for himself what was beautiful, what was worth his time and what wasn't. He was able to make completely unique choices. He was also able to feel loneliness on a level that hadn't been experienced, but God, by any angel. He felt that uniquely. Imagine being the only one to feel those things. Do we feel things as uniquely anymore?

the answer

If ever there's a question, the answer is to love. -FIF, God Hates Flags If love is ever an option, it's the one that should be chosen. I have a hard time with bullies, and with kids that just don't know how to respond to being bullied. I see myself in so much of it I guess. I regret a lot of little decisions, but mostly, I want to make better ones.


Today is just another day. If another day is like... Christmas or something. It's the NFL Draft. It's strangely fascinating. It's like a puzzle that I've been working on over the last year, and I finally think I've solved the puzzle. So long as no teams make any trades, and the whole thing gets blown up. But... There's only one way to find out. Wish me luck, or... something. Sorry, there isn't much room in my brain to write about much else today. Hope you all have a great day, on this, most spectacular of days. Also, my condolences to my wife for the next few days. I don't know what happens to me. God Bless, I'll make it up to you sometime soon. Love.


Is it possible to write too much? Is it possible to live a life, lie on a death bed, and feel "I've said too much." I'm just wondering. I hope to get better at communicating with fewer words. Speaking more occasionally. Because words spoken should be wise words. Particularly funny words. One or the other.


I was listening to Lacuna Coil's "Our truth". I like it, it's almost spiritual. Almost... you know? But I love the title. I think that's a really clever title. It is a declaration of relative thinking, which is an important declaration to make. We all think relatively about certain things. Hopefully not morals or on the topic of salvation. But we think relatively about being wronged. We each have a perspective. Our truth is just that, ours. We may be right or wrong, we can try to be influential. How strongly you believe something will determine the hills you die on, but how strongly you believe something doesn't determine it's "rightness". I can believe strongly in something, and I do, that I'm absolutely wrong about. I've actually been fascinated by that idea for a long time. I'm actually pretty excited to find out the things that I am completely wrong about. One day, when we have to potential to learn and know all truth, the...


I want them to learn math, to be able to read well, to know how to take good notes. They should know how to listen. But we're here to teach them how to learn. How to take it in. We want for them to be willing to take it in. To be a learner in any and every situation. We must teach the ability to reason, and to be reasonable. We seem to fight any kind of debate, any kind of argument. But we must be for good debate, for fighting for the right kind of things. I want them to know why they like the songs that they like. Why is it that you enjoy that television show? Why does that movie make you feel something? What lesson can you take, even from that boring textbook? Because life is short, and to refuse to learn and grow, is to become less human, less creative, less of everything good. Even then, we mustn't let them go, or push them away, but encourage them all the more.


4 years. High School. I worked twice as long at Pepsi. When I was 4 years old, and I remember it vaguely, I thought I'd seen quite a bit at 4. But to be married for 4 years? There's something about spending a significant amount of time working through life with another person, that makes you forget about life before it. It's ok to forget. It's ok not to remember. Glad to have spent these first 4 years with you. Glad to know we've got so much more to go.