
Showing posts from January, 2018


There are quite a few seminarians who are training for the wrong event. Like an olympian training for figure skating who is actually participating in the bobsledding event. It is sort of related. I mean, there are skates used in each, on feet or on the sled. But they are remarkably different in practice. One would be altogether unprepared if training for the wrong olympic event. The chances of bringing home the gold medal would be reduced to 0%. Many here are training to have high level theological discussions. They are preparing for logical discussions over some of the most controversial issues in Scripture. They are getting ready for a war. They feel the need to prove themselves, to convert through apologetics, to put a stranglehold on atheists and agnostics alike. None of those things are wrong. Studying apologetics, high level theology, and Biblical foundations are all important. Critical. But for much of our time as pastors, that will not be the event we are participating in...

Walk Worthy of Your Call

It is difficult for this writing to not be some kind of summative statement about the whole of my life up to this point. I could do that, but I like writing that is specific and focused. I hope to return to blogging regularly. It is a good practice for me. Each semester at DenSem we do a Training and Mentoring Learning Plan. We choose one character quality that we would like to focus on for the semester and we read about it, write about it, we are mentored concerning it. For four months we address just one issue relationally, cognitively, and experientially (with multiple practices for each). It is a fantastic way to learn. For my final semester I chose to develop my understanding of faithfulness. I want to be faithful in my vocation and in my relationships. Vocationally, I want to understand my role when it is not well defined. How can I be Nate, even Pastor Nate, or Vicar Nate (if you must make me), without being "overproportioNate". I want to be the same person every...