Walk Worthy of Your Call

It is difficult for this writing to not be some kind of summative statement about the whole of my life up to this point. I could do that, but I like writing that is specific and focused. I hope to return to blogging regularly. It is a good practice for me. Each semester at DenSem we do a Training and Mentoring Learning Plan. We choose one character quality that we would like to focus on for the semester and we read about it, write about it, we are mentored concerning it. For four months we address just one issue relationally, cognitively, and experientially (with multiple practices for each). It is a fantastic way to learn.

For my final semester I chose to develop my understanding of faithfulness.

I want to be faithful in my vocation and in my relationships.

Vocationally, I want to understand my role when it is not well defined. How can I be Nate, even Pastor Nate, or Vicar Nate (if you must make me), without being "overproportioNate". I want to be the same person everywhere that I am. I want to "act" (and I hate that word and I'll address it in a moment) pastorally whoever I am with, old friends, family, the homeless, a homosexual couple in my church, people in positions of power over me, everyone. I want to be faithful to my "calling" (another word I hate), to walk worthy of my calling (as Daniel Carroll would say).

Relationally, I want to be responsive. I want to call you back when you call me. I want to be ready to act. Ready to listen. I want to be assertive. I want to tell you my expectations of you. I cannot be disappointed with you unless I tell you what I expect of you. But if we can both be clear, if you can tell me plainly what you need from me, and I, you, we can have a fruitful relationship. I want to be faithful to you.

A word on "Act" - For the believer, acting is best left to the stage. We often use that word to mean something more, something better. We use it in place of "behave", "do", "become", "begin to". I like all of these other options better. Do not act. Do not love because you must. Love as an overflowing of your convictions. Love because you want to.

A word on "Calling" - Calling is merely the intersection of a passion you have and a known need in the world. Not all passions can be attached to calling. I am passionate about football, poetry, the Winter Olympics, children of divorce, and Oreo cookies. Some of these can be drawn together with needs in the world, others can not. Not all of the needs I see in the world can be addressed by me. I am aware of the devastation caused by hurricanes, epidemics in other parts of the world, the homeless population in the Denver metro area, the often vision-less nature of many churches, and the hurting (often behind closed doors) of many in this country. I have passions and abilities that connect with some of these needs, but not all. Draw lines. Don't wait on calling. The needs are all around you, and your passions are in your heart. They weren't put there by you. Do something about it. Be faithful to your calling. Walk worthy of your call.


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