
Showing posts from March, 2018

No More of This

Ever want to know the future? Get a taste of what it will be like? Isaiah 2:4 "He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore." That is the future. That is your future. My future. But… That doesn't mean that we need to do that now… right? It isn't like Christ ever told the church to start looking like that… right? It certainly wasn't the focus of His first public message… right? Matthew 5:3-12 “Blessed are the poor in spirit,     for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.   Blessed are those who mourn,     for they will be comforted.   Blessed are the meek,     for they will inherit the earth.   Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,     for they will be filled.   Blessed are the merciful,    ...

The Frieze

A large part of why I started this blog was to have the freedom to write. I could carve out words here that I couldn't elsewhere. Not that my experience is entirely unique, but I have always felt the fishbowl effect. It stems from my vocation as a pastor. I cannot say everything that I want to say. My words are scrutinized to a higher standard. Everything that appears on Facebook needs to appear "redemptive", needs to end well. Every dark cloud must have its silver lining. I felt that Overproportionate was that place for a long time, and perhaps I am wrong in thinking that things have changed. But I just don't feel safe writing about anything and everything. There is something about seminary that people worry about. A fear that maybe I would become liberal, arrogant, or somehow less myself. I don't believe that my values have changed. Not one iota. I have always cared for the orphan, widow, and the foreigner (Deut. 10:18, Zech. 7:10). I will always be oppose...