This Colorado

Sorry that I haven't been writing as much lately, this whole school year really. I love writing, if anything, my love for writing has only increased in the last year. Time isn't always provided for our passions however.

The next time I write could very well take place in Colorado. I am going to be there for the majority of the next 3 years. It's wild to think about, I've been at my job here at OHS for not quite 3 years. I have no idea how much time and how much thought will be demanded of me at Denver Sem. I am hopeful that it will push me and challenge me, I am excited to see what I will be like, what I will be capable of... in 3 years time.

I want to write more poetry in the next few years. I've really gotten away from it because I just haven't had the opportunity to sit down, slap on my headphones and write with Sixpence None the Richer flavoring my words. I hope to find the time to write words that will surprise even myself.

I don't know what to tell you. I might not write much this summer. I hope to return strong in the fall. Thanks for reading. God Speed.


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