
There are things that happen in life that cause all others to cease. All other movement, momentum, is quelled. All other questions have to wait their turn. Life as it has been known, halts.

I'm having a hard time being excited about much else. I wait to hear back, I wait to know. The rest of the time-piece has stopped in this pause. It is alright. It is all right.

I have been having good days lately. I have been productive & happy. I love getting things done. I enjoy small steps, and progress. I also enjoy new burgers from Hardees. That's something too, isn't it?

I'm looking forward to knowing. I always look forward to the knowing part of life. Even if things don't live up to the hype, I am glad to finally understand the thing.

Uncertainty and indecision, they are trying, and must be lived through, but I want what they lead to.


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