Grieving and "Done-ness"

I write this from my final class at Denver Seminary. My Prof left the room so that we could complete our course evaluation forms, but I have already completed mine. I have completed everything. I handed in my final paperwork today. I'm done. I have an Awards Ceremony to attend on Friday, and the Graduation Ceremony itself on Saturday.

I have spent some time reflecting on what we've given up. What we walked away from to be here. We left friends and family. I left 3 jobs. We left a home. We cried and they others cried. That is what happened. We were grieved.

We will grieve when we leave this place too.

I believe now that grieving is a healthy part of moving, of leaving a place. Something must be loved in order to be grieved. If a person does not grieve leaving a place, I would question their love of that place and the people they have left behind.

I have loved the people here. I love the people back home. I have fully felt it all.


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