8 Years

I've been married 8 years. Today. The best years.

We're standing at the fulcrum today.

8 years of marriage. 3 years of seminary. 3 years of seminary that I will cap off next week.

I was always envious of the men and women that have graduated the last couple of years with their future laid out before them. I didn't want to head into an unknown future. Riding off into the sunset looks cool, but it just isn't my style. I don't like how that feels.

Thankfully, we're not doing that. We're returning to the Midwest.

We're finally settling down. Finally making a home. We're pretty excited.

Maybe it is weird, but I've been dreaming about having office hours, time for sermon prep, the opportunity to put all my energy, love, and effort, toward one group of people, since I was in my teens.

Life keeps turning and changing.

Its been turning for us lately.


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