If only a god could speak into our world...

 "I used to write like I had something to say."

I will never stop writing lines such as these. Who I was will always be a fool. A man who knew less than he ought to. A man who could not know enough.

I am thankful to always be learning more. But it makes stating anything definitively quite difficult. I will always revise my words, my thoughts. My best thought will change.

Human words and reason are of limited value to me. We are far too conditional. We think of all things relative to ourselves. We are limited by experience, our background, our money, our language. There is nothing which does not limit us. If you were to travel extensively, see it all, know all cultures, all countries, all language. Well, then you'd be limited by your affluence. There is no ideal. There is no great perspective. If anything, the poor and the broken see more clearly.

If only a god could speak into our world.

If only He had something to say.

We might have to listen to that.

. . .

His words make demands on us. His words lead us where we do not want to go. He speaks in absolutes. He leaves no gray area. He desires all of who we are. He is not satisfied with anything less.

If we're honest, we wouldn't want anything less.


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