
It would take you 15 years to read the titles of every book ever written. That's used in a video to combat the idea of watching TV tonight, rather than reading a book. And while I agree, we as a country are very lazy. We are selfish, we are isolated, we limit ourselves. I also feel like it will take more than switching to a different form of media to make any real difference. Being educated is the important thing. But even at that, education also has it's limits. We can learn and believe in the right things, but until we are actually compelled to move, to actually do something, we will continue to know better, but not act any better. So yeah, maybe don't turn on the TV every night, but don't just read either. Watch some great historical speeches, listen to some music that does more than sound good, participate in some things in your community that are outside of yourself. Do some things that don't directly benefit YOU. That is something extreme, that is something that could actually change a person.


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