difficult easy answer

The real debate that comes out of the police brutality cases we've had over the course of the last year is of White Privilege. Does it exist? Are some people born to a more advantageous life, simply because of the color of their skin?

There are many who would say no. Many who would claim that the ideal, that "All men are created equal", currently rings true in our society.

I don't see it.

We have come from a lineage where money was part of the equation. While we didn't all come from that, there certainly were poor & struggling Germans, and Irish, Polish, & others, many have a history that at the very least, did not involve being bought and sold.

Can an African American work hard and be successful in this country? Yes.

Do they need to work harder? do more to prove themselves trustworthy? Shake off the bias? Absolutely. Absolutely they do. They are treated differently, whether worse, or better, in a small town like the one I grew up in. I am ashamed of my society. They deserve a better life than the one with which they are presented.

We commit the sin of, upon initially meeting an African American, forming any view based on their race. They are their own person.

White privilege exists. There are many complicating factors, differences in cultural heritage, differences in cultural norms. Those issues blur the line for many, but the bottom line is that it exists, racism is alive, even in Minnesota. We need to be aware, fight it where we can.


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