The Three

What is lacking in our society:

1. A general, common reasonable attitude.
2. Conversation.
3. Wisdom that comes from above.

Reason is incredibly important. It allows both the assertive/dominant person in an argument as well as the meek and humble to be have a conversation. It not only demands a coherent and fair argument to come out of a person's mouth, it also requests information and answers from the other person with clarity and understanding in mind. There are few easy issues/dilemmas in this life. Reason seeks truth and welcomes all parties.

Conversation is lacking at every level. It is most obviously lacking in our politics when politicians don't ask and answer real questions. We see it when our politicians don't even speak to the same groups of people anymore. Left and Right have completely different audiences to whom they speak. The Left rarely addresses the Middle and Upper classes. And, more troubling to me, I cannot recall a single Republican candidate this past election cycle that even mentioned the Poor. We're not even talking to the same people. Not interacting with each other. In the words of El Guante, "Confuse us with gibberish and we'll call you visionary. Repeat the same slogans that we already agree with and we'll call you revolutionary." Do not fall into this trap. Do not allow yourself to be, "Entertained with sugar water and magic tricks." Have real conversations with people you very much disagree with. Give them more time to speak than you give yourself. Be respectful. Be loving. Listen. Hear. Process. Maybe speak. A little. If you have something worth saying.

Which brings me to point 3. We lack wisdom that comes from above. We have no shortage of arguments we like. We have plenty of one-liners, and the same tired old prejudices and beliefs that are rooted more in maintaining the status quo than anything from Scripture. Read Matthew 5-7 and decide if that is what your character, your very being looks like. If not. Then read. Learn. Grow. Cry. Dig. Fight.

But don't contribute something to this world that doesn't look like Christ.

I only write this because I wrestle with it myself.


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