
There's a way that you hope life will go. I don't really know what to call that life, maybe the "ideal life". It is a wish for friends to stay near, family to stay close. You want for them all to be happy, married, kids about the same age. But life isn't that ideal. Because we are all time-bombs. We all have an experation date. That is made even more complicated when you come to learn some of those dates. When you learn and understand that your time with some of your favorites will be limited by more than just death, but by distance, by time, by children, by their own visions and hopes. There is something in us that longs for that ideal life though. And yes, some (or much) of it is selfish, but not all. We know that this isn't our home. I think we are amde to want the unending, the party that won't stop. The friendships without a timer, without an experation date.


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