Prophet Priest or King

Educator, Counselor, Priest

I am getting closer to defining my role. It is still difficult though. I still feel intensely the idea that I am taking my first steps down a path, which is very exciting and new. I will see a world that I have only heard about. I am going into woods that I've never been through before. But I am also leaving behind many paths that I will not have time to come back to.

I want to take all of the paths. I want to be everything. In a big way, I want to learn it all. But I cannot learn how to be a teacher, a counselor, and a pastor. My life will not hold all of those things.

Some paths could lead me away from home. Which many would say is a tremendously wonderful thing. But I'm not so sure. I am much more excited about the paths that allow me to linger still.

Staying is hard, and I've always put more value in difficult things, almost instinctively. I'm not so sure anymore that hard things are always the best thing. As G.K. Chesterton wrote, tradition is the idea of giving a vote to those that are dead. We are the living, we are the breathing & hopefully, the learned.

I'm trying to sort it all out.


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