Five Iron Friday #20

You are no the contents of your wallet. You are not the space you rent. When you’re eighty-five with no scars to show the winner of our discontent Whose lips have you been kissing? Hang your future from a blade Win it all, but something’s missing maybe drank the wrong Kool-Aid? -I am Jack's Smirking Revenge, Five Iron I think this song is a call to be in the world but not of it. I think sometimes we feel as though we can get by with the same things. We can fight, and fuss, and get angry. I absolutely love the line "Whose lips have you been kissing?" I wish I would've written that. What a straight to the heart way to dig into you. At the end of the song, they keep repeating a line from the chorus: "If you change your mind." If is the key word there. Who among us are willing to have our minds changed. Anyone thinking that they are living just the way they should, thinking just the way they should, has no place in what God is doing. We need to be teachable. Many Christians 50 years ago thought it was perfectly acceptable, if not good for mankind, to discriminate against African Americans. What do we see wrongly today? If we can change our minds.


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