
Take all of them If you've ever stood in front of a large display of televisions, you know the feeling. They're all playing some Disney movie, and all have varying degrees of quality. You can already tell that some are going to stand the test of time, and some are already breaking down before they even leave the store. But when your eyes are allowed to fall on all of them at once, to take them all in, it's just a blur. And the communication can mean almost nothing. It takes focusing in on a single television to follow the story line. If they were all displaying the weather, you'd need to watch the hand motions of just one weatherman to know the movement of the storm. And so it is in life. We all have a lot to watch. We each have a hundred faces, looking at us and talking. Dishing out advice, disappointing news, judgement, and hope. It matters what few we decide to turn to. And even just the idea of focusing on a few is important too, I don't want to overshadow that. You need to discern who gets to speak into your life, so that you're not stuck in the haze and confusion of every voice that wants the chance to speak into your life. So choose a few, and choose wisely.


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