Like Him, not like me.

I Believe Series

I believe that I am a little bit like God. I am passionate about some of the things that He is passionate about. I fight for some of the same things, I am creative and I have desires. The good stuff has been placed there by Him.

But I don't believe that He's like me.

He's not judgemental like me. He doesn't run guns blazing into situations. He doesn't handle situations like me, because I way shady options against pure. I am biased, I am often wrong.

When I project myself onto Him, I make a big mistake. For one, it leads me to believe that everything about Him can be understood. I can't. And I won't understand.

I can't understand the why and how of everything He does. But I can know, and live with the hope, that He isn't like me. That He is better than me.


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