Saturday Thought

I think I'm going to make more of an effort to blog about the things I want to write on Facebook but can't.

Facebook is not the place for serious conversations about important issues. And it isn't because you can't make a compelling argument, it isn't because you might be right, or because you could support people who need it.

I will not make an argument for a serious topic there, simply because if there is someone that vehemently disagrees with me, I can't look them in the eye. They can't know for sure that what I say, I say in love. I say everything with a belief that we must love the sinner, and yet hate the sin.

There is too much to say before I could ever begin to really say something.

But this is a good place for that kind of thing. Because I think to find this blog, you would have to already want to know what I think. I don't think duct-taping my beliefs all over Facebook is particularly fair to the one not looking for my views. Even if I really believe in them.


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