Wanting It

As good as pills. They are handed out. Passivity brought on by hours of Candy Crush. One may achieve one wondrous achievement in a lifetime, and that would be difficult, and rare. But you can unlock as many achievements as you would like through a bevy of fun, interactive, adventure-fillled games. You can click your way to being meaningful.

Meaningful. Meaningful, if it were to be described by a 5 year. If it were celebrated at birthday parties and plastic whistle New Years parties.

I don't know anymore, what meaningful could even mean to a 95 year old. I don't know if it is achievable. Is it just too watered down? Do any of the sacred words mean anything anymore?

Marriage? When it feels good?
Integrity? When you don't get caught?
Meaning? When it is easily achieved?

We as pacified. We have lost our fight. And we... Don't even want it back.


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