Don't care

"I don't care."

It doesn't get much more selfish than that.

Its an excuse we've all used, sometimes effectively, to get away with a behavior we otherwise can't explain, or feel we needn't have to.

He said "I don't care" when I asked him not to swear.

Yes. You don't care. To you, its just another word, just another bar in the spiral that started when your parents got too busy with their own problems to ever consider yours. To you, it gives voice to the hurt in your heart, to the lacking that exists.

Why would you care? Why on earth should you? You don't know love, you don't know how it affects a little kid. You don't know how it makes everyone else feel safe in saying the same thing. Lets everyone in the room know that its fine to "not care". We'll make a room full, a country full, a world full... of people who never cared of enough to think about what they say, and why they say it. A world full of people that are so relative as to think their actions have any affect. That words are simply equal.

But again, he doesn't know love. He doesn't know that love may be the only thing that is relative. That doesn't care about what is fair. That "doesn't care" if we deserve it or not. Its so far from justice, from what we deserve.

But we can't stop caring about what comes out of our mouth, its an overflow of the heart.


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