Words (a little something extra)

You are now in a world where words have power. When you speak of thunder, it does not simply invoke a memory from childhood of a storm that was too close. Rather, thunder is summoned. It is present, and real, and now.

Speak of erosion and hills will crumble down. You cannot merely talk of food, aromas, and in fact, the meal itself will be available. Adventure is no longer some far away ideal, but right there beside you, perhaps even too big and great for you.

C.S. Lewis wrote about that kind of thing in the space trilogy. And old language where there word for "light" was not just to bring it into your mind, but the word itself WAS light. It contained it, in every way.

I'm not sure how well humans would do in that world. Could we do everything in jest? In good spirit? Could we leave each other to our own devices? Have our own adventures without encroaching on the livelihoods of others?

Would villains arise? Would heroes care enough to do anything about it? Would many flee? Travel to far off places and simply live out their existence there? I wonder what I would do...


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