To pray for it

We are always hoping the other guys learns his lesson.

Maybe if he gets punched in the face he'll see my point, or understand what is best for the greater good, or really, just grow up.

We even pray for it.

That isn't profound. All the best villains in recorded history have hoped that way. And even when it does happen. Even something bad happens to someone who "deserves" it, we are left unchanged. We sing of kharma. As if it has ever changed anything. As if it ever could.

Doing good will never get me to change. All the good feeling in the world isn't enough to convince me. It simply isn't enough. And even when the bad guy takes the fall, I mean, thats great for 10 minutes until I'm wronged again, until I hear the next song that reminds me of what was said to me in 7th grade. Then I'm right back where I was.

There's an awful lot more power in failing than we realize. Brokenness gets people stronger, and bonds them much more quickly than even a good experience could. I'm sure it sounds elementary, but it is rarely prayed for. Its rarely hoped for, or bestowed graciously on someone else.


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