Five Iron Friday #21

I fight tsunamis with an umbrella I deal the left hook like a Mother Theresa I’m facing down death like a fly on the windscreen you bring the warheads I’m bringing ice cream And I’ve got something more and I believe. -Five Iron Frenzy, I've Seen the Sun We do these things. We attempt these things. We need to stop acting like what we bring to the table is blatantly obvious to the world. We need to stop acting like the other side is wrong and they know it. They don't know. They don't know that they're wrong. But we bring this smallest little bit of truth, we bring the one thing we still believe to be sacred. We need to treat that thing with respect, that still small voice. The hills that we would actually die on. Because we've been fighting the wrong things for years. Don't devalue the bits of truth we have. Don't shy away from those things. Bring them, deliver those things, with all the power that Mother Theresa could exert into a punch. Don't think so little of it. Don't think that isn't needed, don't believe that everyone has heard the truth. Many have heard distortions of the truth from figureheads behind cathedral walls. So many don't know what the message is all about. So present that message, as focused as you can.


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