
My take on silence. Like most things in life, silence is good... sometimes. And I don't need to discuss when it isn't. I'm sure we can all remember some terrible silences. But sometimes silence is the critical part of a conversation. To allow that bit of silence after being asked a question, it helps to communicate that yes, you are thinking before you speak. Silence is one of the few things in a conversation that have the potential to make it memorable. You could let slip some secret, that would certainly make for a memorable talk. Or maybe some amazingly appropriate quote, or some brand-new saying that is a stroke of genius. But outside of that, silence is one of the best ways to show that you want to be there. Yes, I might not have all the best words, or have the right advice, or have news, but I still want to be here, and with you. We shouldn't be afraid to let a little more silence into our talks.


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