
Who we are instead. It's my favorite album title of all time, and it might have something to do with what the "theme" at camp is this year. We are going to be something in this life, good or bad, an example of what to be or not to be. Who you are going to be is all you can really control. We have a faith that says that God will be constant, and continually loving and forgiving. But what we do with that. How lazy we are in as much as we are concerned. That's as much as we've got. It's how we see Him, and this life. But it's also how we let Him affect us, how much we are willing to give. 2 Samuel 24:24 "No, I insist on paying you for it. I will not sacrifice to the LORD my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing." What has it cost me today? Have I hurt for others today? You know, really felt for them. Have I turned from sin today? Have I loved with a cost today? Are we anything instead? Are we any different?


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