March Madness

I like meat. It is good. It gives me what I need. It's never treated me wrong. I think it's tasty. But for the month of March I'm going vegetarian. Why? Well, there's a few reasons. I do very few things in life for only one reason. I have been critical of vegetarianism. I doubt it, I think meat is important, that's why God called us to have dominion over the land. It isn't by coincidence that cows taste good, and that they are good for us. Without meat you need to take vitamin supplements, which, you know, grow on trees and stuff. Just kidding. But anyway, I have been critical, and skeptical as you know. And so for one month I want to dive into it. I want to give it a fair shake. I'd rather be rightfully (and knowledgeably) critical than skeptical without the knowledge. I want to see how it affects me. What does do to my health? To my mood? To my energy level? Is it really difficult to make the transition? And is it difficult to come back to meat? I'm going to need to lay out the guidelines for this, and I'm actually going to do it with another blogger and friend of mine, so we will lay that out together. Things like eggs, fish, dairy products, all of that needs to be figured out. But in all honesty, I'm excited about my very own March Madness.


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