offer little

I had such high hopes for Justin Timberlake's song "Only When I Walk Away". I thought it was saying something at least a little deeper than your average pop song. Sadly, no, it is just another pop song concerned with being loved or not. And while that is raw emotion, and I could see how you see some importance in it. It fails to offer any solution, any guess even, as to the problem or how to live. There's a lot of Christian rhetoric that accomplishes essentially the same thing. They tap into the emotion, into God's love. But offer little in the way of solutions to our every day. It offers even fewer reasons as to "why?" Why change? Why go for more than enough? Why is He enough in the face of, you know, death. The mistakes we've made through history. We are taught the history of how wonderful it was when Christianity became the official religion, thanks to Constantine. But we skip right over the killing of Native Americans, right over women's suffrage. We forget about how we treat people differently today. We are all sinners, all in the same boat. We simply hope to be children of light. That's our hope. But more often than not, that has been our failure.


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