I Believe series #1

I believe. That's a tough thing to argue with. The world can fight us on facts and bring charges against many other things. They can take away rights, and books, and our chances to meet together. But our beliefs... well, we have control over them. So I want to start a new series, writing about some at least somewhat controversial topics. Today I want to start with where I stand on the Open Theism/Calvinism topic. Spoiler Alert, I'm somewhere in the middle. I believe that God knows everything. I believe that the Bible makes it clear that there are some incredibly important things that God knwos about the future. He knows who is written in the book of life, and He knows who is going to be living in eternity, that's why He's gone to prepare a place for us. And the many prophecies we read in the Bible are evidence of God's knowledge of the future. And while it isn't expressly laid out in the Bible, I mean, there is no verse that says: "God knows the future". I do know that God is outside of time, He has been, and will be. I also strongly believe that God has the ability to know "the future", so why would He know some of it, but not all of it. I also believe strongly that we have free will. We certainly do. I don't really think it's worth arguing that point. So where do we find ourselves at the end of the day? Well, I believe that God certainly knows key parts of our future, which leads me to believe that He is entirely capable of knowing all of it. That doesn't corrupt Him for allowing us to do evil. I also believe that there is a big difference between things that were supposed to happen, and things that have been allowed to happen. I don't think that the holocaust was supposed to happen. It came out of the hearts of men. It was man declaring in one of the loudest ways in human history: "I am my own god." I believe that we need both God's knowledge, and man's choice.


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