
Who do you work for? That's the question that He asked me last summer. And when God asks you a question, it is challenging, and engaging, but it is also reassuring and incredibly beneficial. I am such a doormat style guy. I will do my best to please people, and in that may, image matters way too much to me. But I don't work for people, I don't work to satisfy their wants. I work to satisfy the One that created them. I get so caught up in this, and God was so clearly calling me out of it. I think that it's only a difficult issue because there is some overlap. We love God by loving others. And serve God by serving others. But our intent comes in to play, and stands as the difference. Are we serving others for the purpose of serving God, or are we serving others to gain something for ourselves? Also, I've really gotten into the habit of using one word titles for my posts, sorry about that.


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