Day #9392

It is a Tuesday, and lucky enough (if you believe in luck) for Tuesday, someday it will mean something. I will create some kind of weekly entry for Tuesdays. You know, that thing that will make you wake up in a cold sweat. It will drive you to your computer to learn what interesting blurb has been posted, that surely pertains to your life. Ah but today is not that day. Not yet.

It has still been a good day. Perhaps my best so far at the school. You know how odd it is to be back at a place that you used to essentially live? I used to be hiding in the shadows here, now its almost freeing. Freedom rocks.

But today I found myself faced with convincing a student, who was essentially my past self, that school work was worth it. It went well. I used arguements that would have made sense to me. That it is worth it to make him well rounded, and yes, even though school doesn't pay you like a job would. Nothing pays off right away. But school, like an early job in life, is all about building a better you. I do not know if anything I had to say stuck. But he started working and was still at work by the time I needed to leave the room.

The best I can do, and possibly ever do, is lead by example.


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