Building a Better Man

Yeah, so I joined a gym. Its not a big deal.

The psychology of it is interesting. Something I hadn't really considered before, but definitely beneficial. You pay money to go to a gym. (In our case it isn't much as the insurance company gives a nice discount). But you still pay to go. And you go to the gym together. And I know how things are made easier when you do them with other people, but it is a motivation that moves in ways you would expect, but even beyond that.

I suppose that I shouldn't get too excited. You should avoid whatever comes out of the mouth of a guy who has just joined a gym just as you should avoid listening to the man who just finished his last plate at the buffet, and now claims to be going on a diet.

But I want to bring this kind of psychology, that makes me think twice about buying that special K bar, because really, what am I doing at the gym if I'm just going to eat whatever, and apply it to my life.

I know that is what every Bible Study and Youth Group and Church is supposed to be. But do they make you think twice. Especially about the daily decisions. About coming close to that line that we call sin. Or do we stop and wonder, "what am I doing at the church if I'm just going to do whatever."

I'm sure this is elementary stuff. So if you are completely satisfied with life, just ignore it. But maybe there's more to it. Sometimes I think it doesn't hit us hard enough, just because we've heard it too many times. Lets build something better, starting in ourselves.


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