With all the Wrong Things

“Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese.”
G.K. Chesterton

The first time that I read that quote I took it for what I thought it was. A goofy little saying about how few  people write about cheese.

But their is a pretty profound point to what Mr. Chesterton is saying here. He's saying that when wise men sit down to a pen and paper, and pour their soul out onto their table, they write about great matters.

There are reasons why so much has been written about God, about good and evil. We long for purpose, and we long for what satisfies.

So just a quick check for myself, and maybe you as well, the reader. Do I focus on things more eternal in nature. Sure, I believe it is entirely appropriate to delve into football and baseball, if only to be able to associate with other's interests. And they do have a fair amount of adventure to them. But if it was all that I'd write about, or concern myself with.

I spend an awful lot of time on all the wrong things. Chesterton is warning us, pay attention to what the wise among us write about, what the more aged hold in their hearts. They don't concern themselves with the small details of life, with the worries, with the fact that their team just lost, or that a movie or show disappointed them. Or with cheese.


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