Five Iron Friday

And so it seems, much of life is about coming awake, and coming alive. Five Iron sings, blasts out, shoves through a trombone, this idea in their newest song: "Hope Still Flies"

I’ve been waiting, in halfhearted sleep,
For a promise I half meant to keep.
Just for hoping that hope still flies,
Wipe the sleep out of our sleeping eyes.

Awake to what? Am I saying, or are they saying, that we are dead to most everything? That life is just a complete stumbling around in the darkness? That we should just all be emo and give up hope? Be grateful for the hope we have and just try to hold onto it?

I don't think so.

I think that we are to come alive, and awake, to our fullest ability. To know love, to understand hate and perhaps even worse, indifference. 

Indifference is such a ridiculous thought, especially in high school where I often find myself these days. If someone says they are indifferent to you, you probably won't care. I'm pretty sure that "I don't care" is the most commonly used phrase is schools today.

And thats probably true. Most of the time, indifference to a person, or a belief, is a harmless thing. To think of someone like you would think of a jelly doughnut, or a squirrel, or a passing car. 

Until that person, or you, are on your last leg. Until that person you are indifferent to is in the ditch, and you are their only shot at a good samaritan.

Life is that way. And as strongly opposed to love as hate is, hate is at least a passion. And most likely tied to the love of something, if nothing else, to one's own self. But indifference is the killer of love. It is at war very naturally. It kills churches. It is so far from Christ's mission, yet it is the creep that defiles without abandon. And it can even look good.

But we have never met a mere mortal, Thanks C.S. Lewis, and in this life, to follow the only one worth following, we must come awake, we must rise from this sleep.


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