
There are a lot of things that we deem to be powerful, and adventurous. They are the kinds of thing that are worth our time and really, our lives. If there were dragons to slay you had better believe there would be people slaying them, but alas, no dragons. So what do we seek out instead. I suppose many things are worthwhile. To see the world and give hope to people who we have never seen, and may never see again. To seek some crazy kind of adventure to make for a good story for friends, our kids. Heh. 

But one thing that I have found powerful, and worthwhile, and at least a little bit overlooked is the the ability to stay. To simply stay. And not just in one place, or with people, or to remain faithful to your field, or to be loyal to a promise or dream. But maybe some of those things, or all of those things. 

Staying is rare. We have a couple at our church who have been married for 66 years. Now there is a love that I want to know more about. I have known people who have lived in the same places, been loyal to the same friends year after year. Staying is hard when all you can see is greener pastures elsewhere.

But much of the best in life has come from staying. Songs are written. Castles are built. Friendships can be built on more than a few good moments. I'll write about the wonder of going some other time. But for now I will stay.


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