Anything Less

I like writing about our issues of irritation when I am not irrated. It takes me out of it. Allows for more objectivity.

We spend an awful lot of time examining the gloves of the homecoming queen. Just how white are they? And much is made of suits and ties. And the logs in eyes. You know, the only things we seem to see.

I am often frusterated by my own view of people. In particular Christians for what appears to me to be a lack of ability to "own" what they believe. To talk about an amazing grace that should be a moving thing in one's life.

And in my view of the rest of the world, I am amazed by other's expectations. As if someone who does not know love should be a writer of love songs. As if someone unaffected, yet unreached by forgiveness, should be in all ways kind. Should not be a bully. Should be... Well, a lot more like me.

And all of these observations, are probably neither here nor there. They are all my own subjective look at the human heart. I only know what that even looks like from photographs, from deer and other game, I have never held a human heart in my hands. I have never watched and felt one slowly fade away.

I am not the judge of hearts. And I concern myself far too much with behavior. Frustrated when I seem to be among the few who bring up my Lord in a conversation. But when I look at my own speech, ah, now I doubt even own actions, my own intent, and lack of action.

But I do thank God that our hearts are still beating. It may be our greatest hope. A beating heart brings time, chance for redemption. Lets not use that time, and that still beating heart for anything less.


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