
I haven't seen her since '05. Amazing how when you're a child you might not just think you've got it all figured out, but you might in fact actually have some things figured out that we lose in adulthood. G.K. wrote about that. He said that there's something that we lose because of sin. That in our infancy we experience things early in life that we may not experience later on. And that maybe God experiences those same things because He wasn't corrupted by sin. Back to '05. That was the last I saw my grandmother. Not because she was passed away, or because she moved away, or because I had. I don't know why that was the last time I saw her. I was actually fairly sure as a child that I was one of her favorite grandchildren. And I cared for her. But once my parents split, I haven't heard from her. I liked being a kid. I never had to wonder why something like this happens. But I'm going to see her on Friday. Not to get after her about not communicating with me, but to let her know I love and care about her. Maybe I haven't lost some of what I had after all. Here's hoping.


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