Five Iron Friday #3

Yo todavia espero un milagro,
Yo todavia te espero a ti.
(I still hope for a miracle,
I hope you're still you.)

I am so lonely,
they say you were lonely too.
Dear God be my savior,
I wait for you.
-Hurricanes, FIF

Just a few lines today about a mournful song from Five Iron. Not common are their mournful songs.

I like that even in their mournful writing, they still acknowledge that God knows them. That God still identifies with them. I think that is a very important perspective to keep.

I can have a bad day. I can feel alone. I can feel overworked, and tired. I can feel needy. And all of those things are good, even necessary. Just remember, somewhere in that sorrow, that even in my loneliness, I am not ultimately alone.

"I still hopeful a miracle, I hope you're still you."

That's one way it can translated, there are others, but this one in particular strikes me.

We have an awful lot of hopes in life, but maybe one of the more profound ones is this. That the saving grace that was shown to me, that brought me out of my ignorance. Would still be there for me now when I know my depravity, when I fly too close to the sun. I still hope He welcomes me home, that even though I have changed so much, good and bad, that He has remained the same.


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