More of That

I want to push myself to be more of an encourager. There are only a few people in life that encourage me too much, and I still like those people.

I love seeing that change in a person, who has never known encouragement, who has never had someone on their side. Someone who now feels like "one of the guys", and is content. I love it because they become an encourager as well. It is inevitable. Whenever someone is filled up, complete, its like they can't help it.

Its a new creature, and something that the church lacks more and more. But I feel like there is an underswell, I feel like there is a generation that most definitely wants to connect, that wants to have a place. We are a generation that will work, we will work hard.

I think it will take encouragement, and it will take someone listening. I have never felt like my generation knows more than older generations, and I have never felt like it was my place to say that we have better ideas, or they are all wrong. But we are a generation that wants to be heard. We will do plenty of listening, believe me, most of us understand that we have a lot to learn, many of us to the point that we are worried about how much we have to learn, not feeling "adult" yet.

But we should be heard. And we should be encouraged. Kind of like every generation ever.


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