Prove Me Wrong

There is a hunger in the human heart to be proven wrong. We long for someone to come along and tell us that our opinion of ourselves, the way we can't stand what we see in the mirror, what lies on our resume, what we've heard written on the walls, is wrong.

And while I say that there is potential for this to be a selfish desire, I believe it only to be selfish when we fish for it. When we grasp it and demand it from others. When it becomes for us, life. It is something that we are called to give, but shouldn't be demanded.

It is my job, and your job, to prove each other wrong, in all of the best ways. Because there are things that you believe about yourself that simply are not true. And until those things are broken and burned, (which may take a lifetime), you will not see yourself as God sees you.

Not that we should have an unhealthy view of ourselves, but we should have a correct view.

Jon Foreman writes expertly about this desire in his song "mostly prove me wrong" by Fiction Family:

"They're up to something in my head
I can hear them taunting me
Thanks for nothing imagined friends
I can hear you laughing
I'm feeling like a hearse
Like I'm carrying dead hurt
I'm tired of being right
I'm retiring from that fight
C'mon prove me wrong

Tell me I'm no loner
Tell me I'm not crazy
Or maybe just a little bit
Maybe just a little bit crazy
But mostly prove me wrong"


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