More Battles

Have you ever had one of those dreams where you are giving a rousing speech? I know I have. Last night, I was in the midst of the sermon of a lifetime, belting out heartfelt pleas to my audience, so sure of what i was saying, coming from the gut you know?

My punchline (which I'm not so sure of right now), was "Man was not made to be on his knees, he was made to walk with God."

And while I believed that so fully in my dream, I cannot embrace it now.

There's a lot of reasons why we have denominations, and so much conflict. We prioritize so differently. One group believes that to experience God, you must be in your Bibles and in prayer constantly, leaving very little time for evangelism and outreach. While another group believe that it is all about the work outside of our homes and churches, and have little time for prayer and time spent just with God.

The battle of finding God in the quiet, and finding God in the loud and the emotional.

Of the new and interesting, and the old and enduring.

Of constantly going, and forever staying.

Man, assuredly, was made to walk with God, but we have got to know that time spent on our knees will never be regretted.


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