Special Weekend Edition

Just watched "500 days of Summer" again.

Mostly just a sad movie starring an always quirky Zooey Deschanel and a seemingly always sad Jason Gordon-Levitt.

I'd says "spoilers", but I just don't really care. Zooey's character, Summer, doesn't ever want to be tied down, her parents were divorced, and she'd like to be free, especially from anything serious and binding like marriage in her life. Jason's character, Tom, has a similar history, parents divorced, but does not long for that seem freedom, and clings to more of the traditional view of love and marriage.

Now, at the end of the film, Summer has gotten married after "dating/something" with Tom throughout the movie, and not wanting to commit to him.

Tom asks "why?"

Summer simply says "because I wanted to." Also saying "It just happened".

It struck me this time, at least more than the last time I saw this movie, that I am simply not a person to do what I want. I am not saying that I never do those things, that I will never do anything selfish. I am guilty of those things more than most.

But left to my own devices, given time to think, I will always consider the social norms.

I don't know if thats right, or healthy. I don't think that I even have a taste for that kind of freedom that just does what it longs for, what it fully wants. I don't know what that would look like.

I don't remember the last thing in my life that "just happened". Maybe these things are just the lense I look through. But maybe it is a crack and flaw of something deeper. I don't want to do things simply because they are what has always been done.


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