Attack the Heart yet Beating

In an effort to change it up, here's this.

Witch hunts seem like a mistake. Don't they? We look back on these atrocities with this illusion that they are no more. That there has never since been such an inquisition. Obviously we no longer seek out the wrong and burn them at the stake.

We may be better than ever.

To look at one case of demonization would be ludicrous and small, because there are many groups that, stated or unstated, are at odds with the church because of their particular sin. We like to believe that we all love sinners, and hate their sin. But there are many people groups, select kinds of sinfulness, that we keep at an arms-length, that have no home in our churches. We have crafted, as taboo, things that repulse us, things we don't understand, and so quickly and easily, the sins that we ourselves do not do, or have not been caught doing.

And it is more than a little un-Christian.

It is denial. It is the man who was forgiven his great debt, and then beat up another for some lunch-money. It is a slap in the face to the untimate forgiver, that there are some who we hold at an arms-length. Rather than demonizing, rather than loathing and blaming... I mean, this world is dark, how would we like darkness to act? We should be glad that there may yet be some who are receptive to the light. That their hearts do in fact still beat. That there is still time. But still we, and I... Attack.


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