
$1,000 if you don't go to church today.

I know, its a pretty ridiculous little hypothetical situation. And missing one day of church will not ruin you.


What would you do?

There's a lot you can do with $1,000. And before you start telling me about how you could use that money for good, or donate it to an orphanage, or give to to ministry or some missions project. Nope. $1,000 in your pocket, for you. Period. What would you do?

As much as we'd like to answer that question, or throw that question away because it is so ridiculous, and it is just one day of church. We make choice like that all the time. Maybe it isn't choosing between money and church, its choosing between our personal time and helping somebody else out.

You could substitute money with a lot of stuff. Security. A date. Your pride. Your stuff. What you want.

And you can substitute church for helping out a friend. Talking to someone who needs help. Bible. Prayer. Time with family.

Its no longer hypothetical, it is our every day existence.


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