Just like them

I wrote my first detention slip today.

I was also paid to watch the princess bride.

I never had detention, even once. I remember being terrified of the idea, maybe even more afraid of my mother, when she found out. But, there lies the difference in an upbringing where doing what is right is valued.

School is important, education is important. You should always try to learn, try to grow. These things should be impressed upon our children. Amazing at the other priorities. And it is even a struggle for me sometimes, to try to convey to young people the necessity of learning at this stage of life. I like to believe that I can pursuade well enough, that I have lived through enough to at least know the facts.

Everyone should have the knowledge that there's a reason why its a law that you must go to school. Because if there were no such law, there would be a great many who wouldn't go. Who would spend their time playing video games, and other activities. Because they can't see far enough ahead, they only know so much of life.

I wonder if thats how I am. If there are people, much older and wiser than I, who communicate with me a variety of ways, that I am not seeing it all, only my momentary sense of happiness. Only my sense of normalcy. I'm probably not seeing enough, and if its you that needs to open my eyes to this, please do.


  1. That's an interesting thought about what older people
    might be trying to say to us. I wonder if you ever go through life catching what the older and wiser person is saying to you. Maybe it takes practice to listen and the older you get the more practice you have with listening. But what about the older people in your life that "just never learn"...maybe it takes willingness and practice. I don't know. Thanks for making me think, Nate. Good blog post!


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