Imagine Again

Imagine if you could have a vial, that could just transport your essence to places you'll never have a chance to travel to. It could contain your humor, your values, your mind-set.

Or if there existed some kind of weapon, for fending off sea-creatures or to harpoon the great whales of life. To accomplish things you could never attain with the time you are allotted.

Or maybe some device that could always put the wind to your back. To allow for a low tide when you just need to pick sea-shells off the shore, and will produce a high tide when its time to launch the sailboat.

What a need there is for someone, something, to write home to you, to remind you that, yes, life is different now, but you are still needed, and that you are indeed, missed. You are not alone.

Will we ever find this Someone? This Device? This Weapon? This Vial?

Yes. We call them friends.


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