Five Iron Friday #4

"Now the man with no shoes on,
says I don’t know how to play.
He says I fumble all the time.
He thinks that I am John Elway.
I put my face down in my hands,
water wells inside my eyes.
What do I have to give them?
Does it matter if I try?
I can’t stand to see yousuffer,
I try to intellectualize,
a formula to end you pain,
it doesn’t work,
God knows I’ve tried.
Sometimes my cup is overfilled.
Sometimes I’m too afraid that I’m going to spill.
I want to try and save the world,
but it never goes that way.
God I don’t know what to do,
down at Colfax and Broadway."
-Where The Zero Meets The 15, FIF

Five Iron doesn't brings God into the mundane. Onto a city street. Into, you know, everyday life. Where He belongs.

I think we all have an idea of what the ideal Christian should look like. And so we look at our own lives and think, well, I don't pray and read my Bible as well, or as much, as that. Even though I'm thinking about God a lot, I am not always in a religious setting, or whatever other excuses/justifications we make.

But our life, our interaction with a greater purpose is messy. We needn't think that even the God we serve isn't, or has never been. His sacrifice was bloody, and messy, and down in the mud. So that we could be saved. So that we wouldn't have to make those bloody sacrifices anymore, and instead be living sacrifices, that you know, have to actually live. Out there. On intersections, and under bridges, and in places we don't want to be, all because God put us there for maybe that one moment.


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