Five Iron Friday #4

Predisposed to bigotry,
the regular run-of-the-mill American story.
The stench of greasepaint on our faces,
pass the mask to our next of kin,
instead of wiser idioms,
like "love the sinner, hate the sin".
-Fahrenheit, FIF

Yeah, Five Iron Friday is basically going to be me, posting a bridge from a Five Iron song, and then talking about it.

I've always been a fan of their "lesser" songs, the ones that don't get played at their concerts, the ones that are edgy and point out things that I haven't even seen in myself.

I most definitely grew up the way that this song talks about. While we can say that we see the world clearly, we see it through the mask that has been passed to us. I have grown up in churches where if a gay person would walk in and sit down in a pew, they would, regardless of what we might say, be treated differently. Sirens would go off in our heads, and whether that was obvious or not, it is true.

I could say the same for other races. I've seen them treated differently, if anything, people are overly kind to them, going out of their way to make sure they don't seem to be freaked out.

Our goals, and our views on people and ideals are passed down in a way that is so plain, so "this is the way it is", that we never allow our children to learn for themselves, to face some mistakes.

I just feel that instead of handing off a mask, some rose-colored glasses, we should tell kids how it is. Yes, the world is messed up, there is violence, and pain, and people who think differently than you, and that look different too. But what is more important than all of our differences is what is true about all of us, despite our sin, we all have a chance to be redeemed.


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