Five Iron Friday #12
Battle Creek Something that you said last week Is eating me with sharpened teeth And I am so afraid Not something thrown out flippantly But to my heart and very core I may not see you anymore Or something even worse And in my bones Your twenty-three same chromosomes Reside in twisted prophecy Likening our destinies I genuflect. I'll hold my breath I'll wait and see Your blood is swimming inside me And there is no love Like fathers have for their sons -Always Just Beneath the Dawn, BS2 I remember the first time I heard this song, I thought Reese wrote it just for me. I feel a lot of these things. I feel the tendencies that I have, that my father has exhibited. I feel the close-ness, but also, almost the "matter-of-fact" way that Reese talks about the love that fathers have for their sons. I was never a fan of father's day. It was always a tough day. You always hope for better, to be a better son, to connect ...