
Love people He said. And you'll love me.

Love people.

Those people?

The ones that give me every reason not to? The ones that make me want to hide? The ones that I can't stand? Or even worse, can't stand me?

Because I'd rather love just about anything else? Can't we love art and love you? Or football? Or our dogs and cats? Because I don't have any political differences with my cat. A dog and I both agree on values and ideologies, or at least, he doesn't argue them with me.

But no, you tell us to love the low-lives. The sinners. The scum of the earth. The people who don't agree with me, and never want to. Those same people Lord, those same people you want me to go to? You want me to be vulnerable to them? We have a hard enough time being vulnerable to our friends and family, to our spouses, our children.

You give us this book. That is unlike other books.

See, I've read history books and they tell me all about how life was. What has happened. And I like Fiction, because they tell me about how life could be. I like to dream about what life could be.

But you give me a new book, and you say it isn't about how life was, or about how life could be, or even should be.

You say this book is about the way that life IS.

You say that loving enemies isn't just a good idea. It is THE idea.

You say people shouldn't be numbers, or problems, or mistakes, or a disease or some kind of plague. You say they aren't just sinners, not just failures and fools. You say they are not servants. You call them friends. You call me friend.

And that makes all the difference to me.


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